Tuesday, September 29, 2009


as you know (or as you may have noticed from our photos, if we have been bad about keeping in touch - sorry!), we are expecting our second baby in january!! everything has been going smoothly so far and, i'm happy to report, easier than they did with bryn. according to certain old wives' tales, this may because we are expecting a boy this time around! we're very excited and keeping our fingers crossed that he will wait until 2010 to make his official appearance into the world.

of course, that doesn't we mean we can't give you some sneak peeks of our adorable little boy. this picture is from about 6 weeks ago.

as of our last visit, he is nearing 1.5 lbs and starting to fill out a little. we both think he looks a little like adam, although not nearly as much as bryn did. anyway, mom and baby are both doing fine, and dad's doing a great job taking care of us all. bryn seems to understand that there is a "baby in mommy's belly." she will even give him kisses from time to time and loves looking at pictures of other babies and playing with baby dolls. then again, she also sometimes flings her dolls to the ground and then says, "you ok?" all innocent-like before telling me, "mama, baby cry."

1 comment:

Stewart Family said...

I'm so happy for you guys!