the good news is that bryn has been picking up more words (up, down, bye, monkey, kwa-kwa (quack-quack) for duck and, finally, mama - yay!) and is learning that they can be used to get things that she wants, so hopefully the pre-verbal tantrum phase will pass sooner rather than later.
we experimented with giving bryn a bath in a swimsuit (with me, also in a swimsuit, also in the tub), but i think that may have just made her afraid of swimming pools as well (the photos below were pre-bath).
we're also teaching bryn good eating habits...
but in our defense, she fell from the 5th to the 3rd percentile in weight, so she needs to fatten up anyway. her head moved up from the 50th to the 75th percentile though... poor girl. finally, her favorite toys these days are dolls, in all sizes... in fact, i think i've given the dolls more baths than bryn, as part of our grand plan to entice her back to bathing.