Wednesday, February 25, 2009

big girl adventures

it's been a largely uneventful month for us. we're finally getting our living room in order (replacing stained carpet and old college-apartment-style furniture) to give ernie's library a proper home... he had A LOT of books, so bryn should be very well-read. we had a big snowstorm in january, which turned into an ice storm, wreaking pretty serious havoc throughout the area. they even closed the university for the day, although adam (who works about 500 feet from campus) still had to go to work. bryn got to don her snowsuit and her new boots to play in snow for the very first time.

she wasn't quite sure what to do with it, especially since she couldn't walk in her boots. but she tasted it and crawled around, and i helped her make a snow angel.

we're also trying to work on some "big girl" skills with bryn - feeding herself with a spoon

reading books, and lounging around in her robe for as long as possible. really, who can resist a baby in a bathrobe?

bryn has yet to say any real words, but she does seem to say "yeah" (with an exaggerated nod) and "uh-oh" at appropriate times and sometimes "tee-tee" for, what i believe is, kitty and "doh" for, what i believe is, dog. but all of that may just as likely be wishful thinking. she can, however, identify her ears, nose, belly, feet, shoes and socks. and, when offered yogurt (her new favorite food), she can go to the fridge and point it out. she also loves brushing her teeth, and points to her toothbrush every time she gets in the bath (which is when we brush her teeth). the pediatrician was right about starting good habits early! now, if we could just get her to put herself to sleep...